Friday, September 17, 2010

The Tea Party Patriots are Coming

Lately I have been seeing articles about the Tea Party Movement.  This an umbrella movement of several far right religious conservative groups.  The Tea Party Movement takes it name form the Boston Tea Party.  This movement first became active in early 2009.  It has several major supporters to include Sarah Palin.

The most recent one that caught my attention was the Christine Odonnell.  She is a Tea Party candidate for Delaware Senate seat.  The Republicans were expecting to get the Senate majority back with the election of a Republican candidate.  The Democratic Party is using this as repreave and is hoping this splits the GOP.

I support a balanced Federal budget but to make permanent tax cuts for the rich and to repeal the  Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act are major mistakes.  This kind of fiscal magic is one of the causes of the present depressed enconmy.   Many of the same people who are using the Constitution as a platform for their protests are the same the support the Patriot Act.

It will be an interesting time for American politics as the November elections approach.  I plan to keep a watchful eye on the Tea Party and what the do.