Friday, October 1, 2010

The President's Wars

In a recent column, by the author Charles Krauthammer  in the New York Daily News, condemns President Obama’s handling of Afghanistan.   His opinions were logical for the most part but it seems he was cherry picking the facts to serve his argument.  The basis for his opinions were based on the book by Bob Woodward about Obams’s handling of the Afghanistan.  I had several conflicting views about his arguments and facts.  As a veteran of the War on Terror and more specifically of the Iraqi surge, my opinions are somewhat bias against some of his arguments.   

The authors main arguments is that Afghanistan a political tool to save his political career and standing within the Democratic Party.   One of the facts cited was the President announcing the surge and then the withdraw date approximately 18 months later.  This is a mistake by the President.  The insurgents are in it for the long haul.  With this kind of announcement, the terrorist will just wait until the US pulls out of Afghanistan.  He furthers adds that President Obama is not leading the nation during a time of war.  He cited Bushes leadership of the Iraqi War as an example.  President Bush whole handling of the War on Terror as political tool that suited his purposes.  President Obama was further criticized as having people around him that disagreed with him but we all saw what happened when the President surrounds himself with Yes Men.

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