Friday, October 29, 2010

The War on Terror and Foreigon Aid Costs Too Much

The people of this country can not afford to maintain the policies of  funding the War on Terror and spending billions on foreign aid when the country is facing such economic hard times.  These billions could be spent better within the borders of the United States.  

The War on Terror ( Iraq war, Afghanistan war) is now the longest war in US history.  In the ninth year of operations since the 9/11 attacks while troops are being withdrawn in Iraq and increased in Afghanistan, the cost of war continues to be a major issue.   We must consider the longer-term costs implications of  the buildup of troops in Afghanistan and potential problems in the withdrawal of U.S. forces from overseas theaters.  The average monthly cost of the war is around 11 billion per month.  The total cost of the war to date is around 1.5 trillion dollars with no end in sight.

The purpose of Foreign Aid is to create foreign markets for US products and services, increase national security of the country, fight drugs, and promote democracy.

Iraqi Aid is the latest example of corruption being a major problem.  How often have we heard of the funds end up in private bank accounts?  It is often the leaders and governments getting the money and not the people it is intended to help.  The poorest nations often receive the least amount of  assistance and the richer ones receiving the most.   For instance, Israel received around 2.6 billion dollars in US Aid. How has the aid actually helped the US government and its policy?  If the UN voting records of the countries that receive aid from the US, it is not much.

The troops must be brought home to include the 50,000 plus service members in Korea.  The only military forces that should be deployed overseas are the ones that directly contribute to the safety of US citizens and interests.

The United States has to start being extremely picky about how it distributes foreign aid.  Foreign aid should be cut drastically to programs that directly benefit the United States and contribute to the defense of the country.  The process of foreign aid should be streamlined with unifying agency supervising all expenditures overseas.

How can we continue spending the way we do when every three months, 250,000 new families enter into foreclosure,  1,318,398 violent crimes occurred nationwide in 2009, 50% of high school seniors have used illegal drugs, US students are 28th in the world in math and science, and the average cost of a college education has risen faster than health care?

1 comment:

  1. This article "The war on terror and foreign aid costs too much" posted by Philip Stiefer in his blog is worth reading article. His idea in this article is about united states facing bad economic problem so people cannot afford to maintain the war on terror and spending billion of dollars on foreign aid which costs too much. There is one saying " be strong on self to help other". The country itself should be economically strong to provide billion of dollar as foreign aid. United state spends billion of dollar on war. The main purpose of foreign aid is to develop its business worldwide, maintain security, fight against drugs and mantain good democracy. Government provides trillion of dollar on Iraqi aid where this money is corrupted and end up in private bank account. The government should cut on Useless foreign aid and benefits united states economy and contribute to the defense of country. Since country started spending billion of dollar on war on terror, the economy is falling down. So, I think if goverment formulate new strategy on foreign aid and war, it might improve bad economic crisis that country is facing now as Stiefer mentioned in his article
